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Šolta is a medium sized island in Dalmatia. It lies west from the island of Brač and is one of the most beautiful islands of the Croatian Adriatic coast. Šolta is only 16 km or 9 nm far from Split and can be reached with a ferry or catamaran. The virgin nature of Šolta is considered one of the most precious treasures. The locals have enriched this nature with hundred years of hard work. They have planted olives, grapes, fig trees and carobs. These plants are growing today far away from industrial centers, all ecologically clean and biologically priceless. Šolta is and has always been a unit of air, shore, sea, nature and human. This is the largest benefit which Šolta can offer its visitor, exhausted of the modern way of life.How_to_reach.htmlHow_to_reach.htmlshapeimage_12_link_0shapeimage_12_link_1
Uvala Stračinska                   Uvala Stračinska lies on the southern, external side of Šolta. From all of the bays on Šolta it most resembles a fjord. There are some fishermen houses in the bay, where the locals spend their summers.